1.   A company that manufactures photocopiers obviously holds to a descriptive core belief consistent with this empirical reality.

2.   Above all, it requires the steady cultivation of healthy core beliefs that will shore up the organization when setbacks occur.

3.   Actions are core beliefs put into practice.

4.   All individuals with sophisticated belief systems do not necessarily share the same core beliefs.

5.   As it turns out, the fears that govern such organizations derive in large part from invalid or negative core beliefs.

6.   Banished from the official organizational history, the memory of these unpleasant side effects lingers in the form of unhealthy core beliefs.

7.   Because they describe an objective reality, descriptive core beliefs are simply valid or invalid.

8.   Dole is a man who has fought his entire life to protect and advance his core beliefs.

9.   If both core beliefs and the actions they inspire are healthy, the organization will ultimately succeed in achieving its long-term goals.

10.   It can take full credit for the success it has achieved, establishing a clear connection between results and core organizational beliefs.

n. + belief >>共 65
core 36.99%
bedrock 4.79%
industry 2.74%
hold 2.05%
conspiracy 2.05%
pacifist 2.05%
absolutist 1.37%
follow 1.37%
beggar 1.37%
childhood 1.37%
core + n. >>共 449
business 19.79%
group 5.72%
issue 4.91%
rate 2.71%
value 2.47%
constituency 2.14%
audience 1.87%
operation 1.84%
belief 1.80%
sample 1.74%
每页显示:    共 54