design element 2.44   The design elements are wondrous.
  rogue element 1.71   I do not believe it was rogue elements in the security forces.
  right-wing element 1.12   The issue is whipped up by right-wing elements.
  core element 1.05   Their strategies share three core elements.
  time element 1.05   Time element.
  fringe element 0.92   But it will always retain the fringe element.
  plot element 0.92   Similar plot elements appear throughout.
  story element 0.86   It has a deliciously silly story element.
  picture element 0.79   Pixels, or picture elements, are the dots of light on a television or monitor.
  surprise element 0.66   And Kemp certainly fits the bill in terms of surprise element.
  datum element 0.59   Data elements represent facts concerning people, objects, events, and so on.
  advance element 0.53   Advance elements of the force have already arrived in the country.
  army element 0.53   Army elements are widely suspected of having had a role in the murder.
  fantasy element 0.53   Most of the images are a little fuzzy, which underscores the fantasy element of ballet.
  hooligan element 0.46   ...the hooligan element.
  comedy element 0.39   These are time-tested comedy elements.
  fuel element 0.39   The plutonium would be turned into MOX fuel elements for civilian nuclear reactors.
  station element 0.39   The node will be the connecting passageway to other station elements.
  dance element 0.33   His work mixed jazz, modern and African-American dance elements.
  safety element 0.33   If the commission approves of the updated safety element, it will be implemented in May.
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