1.   Yet, Lord Taylor accuses newspapers of slanting accounts of sentences, of failing to convey salient facts.

2.   Cook said that the foundation had supported the board, but added that he might not have done enough to convey that fact publicly.

3.   Facts are quickly conveyed from one doctor to the next, but emphasis can change subtly, sometimes in a tragically wrong way.

4.   His parents never conveyed this fact to their children, who thought they were merely living with the old-fashioned things their parents enjoyed.

5.   Like any specialized jargon, the shoptalk used by residents not only conveys facts but provides a running commentary on the absurdities of hospital life.

6.   She conveys well-researched facts, collected with the help of a researcher, and her honestly-held and entertaining impressions.

7.   Have we forgotten how we should laugh at ourselves, how we should convey facts as facts or how we should fairly implement regulations and laws?

8.   Needless to say, conveying the facts of history to posterity is the first step that needs to be taken in order to resolve problems from the past.

v. + fact >>共 528
ignore 3.93%
reflect 3.79%
accept 3.61%
like 3.27%
hide 3.06%
face 2.45%
know 2.13%
overlook 1.53%
appreciate 1.48%
obscure 1.42%
convey 0.24%
convey + n. >>共 457
message 14.27%
sense 7.23%
information 4.11%
impression 2.39%
concern 2.12%
idea 2.06%
feeling 2.06%
decision 1.73%
image 1.66%
emotion 1.46%
fact 0.60%
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