1.   As a label it conveys a sense of purpose and purveys an often spurious impression of coherence and integrity in working relationships.

2.   Both artists succeed in conveying the sense of liveliness and movement found in popular forms of entertainment.

3.   But they want those accounts to convey the sense that candidates are accessible to voters.

4.   During the conference it is very useful for the teacher or counselor to convey a sense of positive expectations.

5.   Even the brush or other instruments could be employed freely, the whole image fabricated to convey a sense of handling.

6.   For instance, blue conveys a sense of calm and tranquility because we associate the colour with blue skies, calm water.

7.   Groping for a name that would properly convey their sense of both awe and relief, Powell Decided on Glen Canyon.

8.   His drawings of it convey the sense of some one singing at his work.

9.   I do not wish to convey a sense of complacency.

v. + sense >>共 567
make 52.77%
have 8.64%
get 2.40%
lose 2.29%
feel 2.15%
create 1.94%
convey 1.18%
give 1.04%
maintain 0.97%
keep 0.87%
convey + n. >>共 457
message 14.27%
sense 7.23%
information 4.11%
impression 2.39%
concern 2.12%
idea 2.06%
feeling 2.06%
decision 1.73%
image 1.66%
emotion 1.46%
每页显示:    共 108