1.   Repos are used by central banks to control liquidity in money markets and to fine-tune interest rates.

2.   They are used to control liquidity in money market and to fine tune interest rates.

3.   They are used to control liquidity in the money market and to fine-tune interest rates.

4.   They are used to control liquidity in money markets and to fine tune interest rates.

5.   In practice the IMF today controls liquidity equal to only two percent of world imports.

6.   In the US, the central bank controls liquidity through the open market where treasury bills are actively traded.

7.   Miranda said BI would emphasize the use of its SBIs as an open market instrument to control domestic liquidity.

8.   Rerngchai said the main priority for the central bank next year would be to stablize local interest rates and control domestic liquidity.

v. + liquidity >>共 104
provide 11.70%
boost 7.87%
increase 7.66%
have 6.60%
improve 6.60%
inject 4.89%
reduce 4.26%
tighten 3.19%
ease 2.34%
maintain 2.34%
control 1.70%
control + n. >>共 972
cost 2.55%
most 2.28%
access 1.67%
game 1.55%
area 1.53%
flow 1.45%
ball 1.42%
part 1.29%
inflation 1.23%
crowd 1.06%
liquidity 0.07%
每页显示:    共 8