provide liquidity 3.62   This would provide new liquidity for the market.
  boost liquidity 2.44   The FIDF will also seek other partners to help boost liquidity.
  increase liquidity 2.37   This increases liquidity in the banking system.
  have liquidity 2.04   Banks now have surplus liquidity.
  improve liquidity 2.04   Developers could also merge to improve their liquidity, Panangian said.
  inject liquidity 1.51   Lower interest rates usually help inject needed liquidity into the stock market.
  reduce liquidity 1.32   This, he says, reduces market liquidity and limits the growth of the spot market.
  tighten liquidity 0.99   TheBSP had earlier tightened liquidity to defend the peso.
  ease liquidity 0.72   So it is important to ease the liquidity first before going ahead with new projects.
  maintain liquidity 0.72   Maintain financial liquidity.
  add liquidity 0.59   It does not add liquidity to the system which could be used for peso speculation.
  control liquidity 0.53   They are used to control liquidity in money market and to fine tune interest rates.
  offer liquidity 0.53   The Reserve Bank was offering two-way liquidity to the currency markets, dealers said, but trading was slow.
  raise liquidity 0.46   The BIS urged an early, transparent and politically neutral restructuring of domestic banking systems to raise liquidity in many Asian economies.
  adjust liquidity 0.39   The sterling money market in London is the device used by banks and others to adjust their liquidity.
  drain liquidity 0.39   Japanese market analysts fear the huge operation will drain liquidity from the market.
  create liquidity 0.33   That has created more liquidity.
  enhance liquidity 0.33   That is why their presence enhances liquidity.
  ensure liquidity 0.33   GSCC also borrowed from GECC, which provides the company with a large credit facility to ensure sufficient liquidity.
  lack liquidity 0.33   Such a market might have lacked adequate liquidity for success.
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