control cost 19.49   Allaire acknowledged that costs must be controlled.
  control most 17.45   Armed gangs control most of the south.
  control access 12.77   Press access is strictly controlled.
  control game 11.85   Can control a game.
  control area 11.72   The area is now controlled by rebels.
  control flow 11.06   Controlling the flow of play.
  control ball 10.86   Control the ball.
  control part 9.87   Atto controls part of south Mogadishu.
  control inflation 9.41   Inflation is well controlled.
  control crowd 8.10   The police controlled the crowd.
  control company 7.77   Who controls the company?
  control movement 6.85   Victims have trouble controlling their movements.
  control price 6.52   It stopped controlling prices.
  control government 5.79   Democrats control state government.
  control spread 5.53   Another idea is to use them to control the spread of water plants.
  control situation 5.46   The Patriots control the situation.
  control disease 5.33   Helps to control diseases on lawns.
  control tempo 5.13   You control the tempo.
  control play 4.61   He controls play.
  control medium 4.54   They control the media.
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