1.   How will the new millennium children reconcile conflicting demands on scarce resources against the background of global warming?

2.   Schools have to attempt to satisfy the conflicting demands of a whole range of individuals and groups.

3.   Some working moms worry about the conflicting demands of home and job.

4.   The conflicting demands of career and family were pulling her apart.

5.   Lengthy discussions took place to reconcile the House and Senate proposals, and to meet conflicting political demands.

6.   Planning is concerned with competing pressures on land and with the resolution of conflicting demands.

7.   And the frequent near misses and occasional, harrowing accidents illuminate a web of conflicting demands made all the more urgent by the frenetic pace of the city.

8.   Arafat is being torn more than ever by conflicting demands.

9.   Balancing these often conflicting demands is difficult.

10.   A look at how B.C. is attempting to deal with the conflicting demands on this frontier.

a. + demand >>共 682
strong 7.04%
domestic 5.12%
increased 3.67%
growing 3.37%
weak 2.69%
high 2.22%
increasing 1.79%
new 1.49%
key 1.46%
rising 1.36%
conflicting 0.26%
conflicting + n. >>共 316
report 19.95%
account 7.27%
claim 5.35%
signal 5.14%
statement 3.36%
view 2.67%
information 2.57%
emotion 2.16%
message 2.13%
opinion 1.92%
demand 1.37%
每页显示:    共 40