1.   Attitudes expressed in the poll reflect a society with conflicting views of firearms.

2.   Emerging technologies Airline pilots offer conflicting views about the safety of flying into Lindbergh Field.

3.   There are conflicting views about the best way to teach reading.

4.   There are conflicting views about what caused the accident.

5.   Two conflicting views have been taken.

6.   There are in fact, again, conflicting views about this erm you can sometimes see it erm in literature in fact.

7.   We shall soon be knee-deep in conflicting legal views here.

8.   Certainly such conflicting views can be found.

9.   Amid the confusion and conflicting views, the one uncontested fact is the manatee death count.

a. + view >>共 746
different 6.78%
public 4.19%
political 2.84%
similar 2.28%
full 2.05%
clear 1.57%
better 1.55%
dim 1.43%
long 1.28%
panoramic 1.26%
conflicting 0.69%
conflicting + n. >>共 316
report 19.95%
account 7.27%
claim 5.35%
signal 5.14%
statement 3.36%
view 2.67%
information 2.57%
emotion 2.16%
message 2.13%
opinion 1.92%
每页显示:    共 77