conflicting report 38.31   There were conflicting reports of casualties.
  conflicting account 13.96   The conflicting accounts could not be resolved.
  conflicting claim 10.27   The conflicting claims were quietly shelved.
  conflicting signal 9.87   But there are conflicting signals.
  conflicting statement 6.45   But there were conflicting statements.
  conflicting view 5.13   There are conflicting views.
  conflicting information 4.94   Recall literature from Ford has conflicting information.
  conflicting emotion 4.15   She felt torn by conflicting emotions.
  conflicting message 4.08   Give conflicting messages.
  conflicting opinion 3.69   Experts have conflicting opinions.
  conflicting interest 3.03   The two groups have conflicting interests.
  conflicting version 3.03   There were conflicting versions of what happened.
  conflicting testimony 2.96   Monday was a day of conflicting testimony.
  conflicting pressure 2.90   The man is under conflicting pressures.
  conflicting advice 2.76   He drew conflicting advice.
  conflicting result 2.70   Later studies had conflicting results.
  conflicting demand 2.63   She often feels burdened by conflicting demands.
  conflicting story 2.17   Why am I hearing so many conflicting stories?
  conflicting interpretation 1.78   It also heard conflicting interpretations of the fixed-up photo.
  conflicting evidence 1.71   The witnesses at the trial gave conflicting evidence.
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