1.   The chairman concluded his speech by wishing us all a happy holiday.

2.   -- he probably did so deliberately.

3.   As Clinton concluded his speech to the Duma, the nationalist member of parliament screamed at his colleagues for applauding their guest.

4.   As soon as Clinton concluded his speech, he walked directly to Lebed and talked to him for at least five minutes.

5.   As if to demonstrate the breadth of his approach to the campaign, Kemp concluded his speech with a quote from the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

6.   Seven weeks later, that remains his charter, as do the words with which he concluded his speech.

7.   The moment The Count concludes his speech, a man stands to challenge him.

8.   The protesters were quickly led out of the auditorium, and Gingrich concluded his speech.

9.   The starkest choices were averted when the Simpson liability verdicts came in just as Clinton, unloading a characteristic stemwinder, was concluding his speech in Washington.

10.   Watts spoke moments after Clinton concluded his speech and moments after the verdict was announced in the O.J. Simpson civil trial in California.

v. + speech >>共 482
give 19.23%
make 14.09%
deliver 12.28%
write 1.93%
use 1.91%
read 1.77%
hear 1.77%
follow 1.65%
broadcast 1.50%
finish 1.39%
conclude 0.55%
conclude + n. >>共 329
agreement 13.27%
investigation 5.38%
deal 5.38%
negotiation 5.15%
talk 4.82%
treaty 3.08%
case 2.80%
work 2.13%
visit 1.96%
contract 1.74%
speech 1.29%
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