1.   Once your case is concluded you can not, except in very rare instances, return to seek further compensation.

2.   Once your case is concluded you cannot, except in very rare instances, return to seek further compensation.

3.   And it will take until at least the end of next year before the case can be concluded.

4.   But as the state concluded its case on Thursday, that mountain seemed inadequate, partly because the reservoir of good will still looked intact, even replenished.

5.   But Genentech recently won a preliminary injunction barring Novo from selling its hormone until the case is concluded.

6.   But their case still hinges on O.J., who will be called to testify again, possibly to conclude the case.

7.   But they concluded their case without calling Abraham Quintanilla Jr. or the defendant.

8.   Carter concluded his case after calling four witnesses, including the other two women arrested in the sting operation, who also were granted immunity.

9.   Defense witnesses will not testify until the prosecution concludes its case.

10.   His comment came as defense lawyers prepared to ask Judge Lance Ito to allow them to conclude their case with testimony from an FBI agent named Frederic Whitehurst.

v. + case >>共 478
hear 5.28%
take 4.77%
make 4.50%
investigate 3.49%
handle 3.13%
discuss 2.95%
settle 2.31%
dismiss 2.30%
review 2.17%
report 2.11%
conclude 0.20%
conclude + n. >>共 329
agreement 13.27%
investigation 5.38%
deal 5.38%
negotiation 5.15%
talk 4.82%
treaty 3.08%
case 2.80%
work 2.13%
visit 1.96%
contract 1.74%
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