conclude agreement 15.60   But no agreement has been concluded.
  conclude deal 6.32   The deal was concluded.
  conclude investigation 6.32   Vacco has yet to conclude his investigation.
  conclude negotiation 6.06   Negotiations were concluded only last month.
  conclude talk 5.66   Russian premier concludes talks in Hanoi.
  conclude treaty 3.62   Within a month, he concluded a treaty with the Japanese.
  conclude case 3.29   This concludes this case.
  conclude work 2.50   The grand jury concluded its work last week.
  conclude visit 2.30   He concludes his visit Tuesday.
  conclude contract 2.04   But no formal contracts were concluded.
  conclude meeting 1.97   The meeting is now concluded.
  conclude accord 1.71   After three weeks at Dayton, a peace accord was concluded.
  conclude speech 1.51   But he concluded his speech on a cautious note.
  conclude trip 1.38   Lubbers will conclude his trip in Pakistan.
  conclude pact 1.25   US officials said a pact could be concluded by the end of the year.
  conclude sale 1.25   Neither sale has been concluded.
  conclude series 1.25   The Braves conclude their series with Florida.
  conclude hearing 1.12   The Senate concluded its hearings early Friday morning.
  conclude remark 1.12   He concluded his remarks with another expletive.
  conclude testimony 1.12   He declined comment after concluding his testimony.
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