1.   Du Parc and Villa Pineta All guests are served complimentary afternoon tea.

2.   Besides breakfast, guests can partake in complimentary tea and baked goods each afternoon.

3.   Complimentary afternoon tea will be served.

4.   We had missed the complimentary afternoon tea.

a. + tea >>共 385
iced 16.14%
afternoon 8.96%
herbal 6.66%
hot 5.77%
sweet 3.33%
drinking 1.63%
indian 1.41%
cream 1.18%
traditional 1.11%
jasmine 1.11%
complimentary 0.30%
complimentary + n. >>共 147
ticket 8.65%
breakfast 5.54%
bottle 2.77%
room 2.42%
shuttle 2.42%
remark 2.42%
thing 2.42%
drink 2.08%
wine 2.08%
champagne 2.08%
tea 1.38%
每页显示:    共 4