1.   California law requires non-profits seeking to change their status to compensate taxpayers for revenue lost while the company operated as a non-profit.

2.   Furthermore, CalPERS should support debt-for-nature proposals as a way to protect shareholder value and to fairly compensate American taxpayers.

3.   Moreover, he detests tax collectors almost as much as he does central bankers, so he recently promised to compensate taxpayers with simecs.

4.   The stock options were required so that taxpayers would be compensated for the risk involved with guaranteeing the loans.

v. + taxpayer >>共 149
cost 10.70%
help 5.35%
protect 4.81%
save 2.94%
leave 2.67%
treat 2.67%
stick 2.41%
reimburse 1.87%
hurt 1.87%
defraud 1.34%
compensate 1.07%
compensate + n. >>共 239
victim 16.29%
farmer 6.61%
family 5.03%
people 3.91%
owner 3.82%
woman 3.07%
investor 2.61%
worker 2.61%
landowner 2.42%
survivor 1.77%
taxpayer 0.37%
每页显示:    共 4