1.   Discussion Coeliac disease probably represents an aberrant immune response by antigen specific T cells of the small intestine to certain cereal peptides.

2.   Discussion Patients with coeliac disease who are not receiving treatment have low serum carnitine concentrations.

3.   Using electron microscopy, Rubin etal showed that the tight Junctions appeared morphologically unchanged in untreated coeliac disease patients.

a. + disease >>共 848
infectious 9.66%
liver 4.06%
chronic 3.57%
deadly 2.73%
cardiovascular 2.53%
rare 2.47%
contagious 2.23%
fatal 2.10%
human 1.76%
serious 1.72%
coeliac 1.37%
coeliac + n. >>共 8
disease 84.87%
patient 10.08%
angiography 0.84%
cereal 0.84%
clinic 0.84%
lesion 0.84%
peptide 0.84%
trunk 0.84%
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