1.   A man was sitting at a small table in the corner, drinking coffee from a delicate china cup.

2.   It looks equally good on a flowery china tea cup or embroidered on a pretty, Decorative pillow.

3.   Leary poured coffee into wide china cups and they sat around the rough wooden kitchen table and drank.

4.   Like a cracked china cup, the continental crust is still fragile where it has been damaged in the past.

5.   Serve chilled, in narrow goblets or white china cups, with a little cream floated on top.

6.   Some one once gave me ever such a lovely little china cup when you was born, with pictures on it.

7.   The next month, china cups clinked again at the White House for Puerto Rican contributors and businessmen.

8.   The tea was served in delicate china cups.

9.   We drank Turkish coffee out of dainty china cups.

10.   Well-manicured hands took her jacket respectfully, offered her a seat, brought her coffee in a china cup with a saucer.

n. + cup >>共 176
paper 18.09%
world 7.35%
tea 5.59%
china 4.56%
muffin 4.12%
custard 3.53%
morning 2.65%
beer 2.35%
lettuce 1.91%
porcelain 1.32%
china + n. >>共 52
cup 16.23%
cabinet 13.61%
shop 9.42%
pattern 6.28%
plate 5.76%
figurine 3.66%
set 3.14%
bowl 2.62%
vase 2.62%
doll 2.62%
每页显示:    共 31