1.   Divide batter into muffin cups and top each with crumble mixture.

2.   Divide the batter evenly between the muffin cups.

3.   Even though these baby cakes, baked in individual muffin cups, required making truffles, the recipe is simple and left little room for error.

4.   Fill each muffin cup almost to top.

5.   Fill each muffin cup two-thirds full.

6.   Fill prepared muffin cups two-thirds full with batter.

7.   Fit rounds into muffin cups, pressing in gently.

8.   Grease only the bottoms of muffin cups or use paper baking cups.

9.   Grease muffin cups or line with paper baking cups.

10.   Lightly butter six four-ounce ramekins or foil muffin cups.

n. + cup >>共 176
paper 18.09%
world 7.35%
tea 5.59%
china 4.56%
muffin 4.12%
custard 3.53%
morning 2.65%
beer 2.35%
lettuce 1.91%
porcelain 1.32%
muffin + n. >>共 21
tin 30.48%
cup 26.67%
mix 8.57%
batter 4.76%
half 4.76%
liner 4.76%
recipe 4.76%
mold 1.90%
top 1.90%
basket 0.95%
每页显示:    共 28