china cup 2.04   The tea was served in delicate china cups.
  china cabinet 1.71   The china cabinet was ruined.
  china shop 1.18   But neither is he a bull in a china shop.
  china pattern 0.79   What kind of china pattern can I order?
  china plate 0.72   Meals came on china plates.
  china figurine 0.46   By the time she turned around, Paula Engado was frozen in space like a china figurine.
  china set 0.39   The china set was blue with a gold rim.
  china bowl 0.33   I broke a china bowl.
  china doll 0.33   The tiny china doll was exquisitely ornate.
  china vase 0.33   Thieves escaped with china vases and Roman coins in two thefts last year.
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  china teacup 0.26   Then she suggested china teacups.
  china teapot 0.26   It all gets washed down well with vodka, sometimes served in china teapots.
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