1.   Baste with a sprinkling of butter or oil, arrange a second layer over the first, and over this arrange a layer of the optional cheese slices.

2.   Break up the cheese slices and arrange over the fennel.

3.   But the individually wrapped cheese slices are a different matter.

4.   Coat each cheese slice with the nuts and refrigerate.

5.   Consumers Union found no DEHA when it tested the plastic on cheese slices and in two brands of microwave-safe containers, Tupperware and Rubbermaid.

6.   Remove dish again, lay half a chili over each breast, cover with cheese slices then spoon some sauce over the top.

7.   Top with cheese slices.

n. + slice >>共 149
bread 9.47%
lemon 7.32%
tomato 5.60%
onion 5.60%
apple 5.45%
potato 4.45%
cucumber 4.30%
baguette 3.30%
pineapple 3.01%
banana 2.87%
cheese 1.00%
cheese + n. >>共 247
mixture 8.41%
sandwich 7.35%
sauce 5.09%
maker 3.20%
course 2.84%
grater 2.49%
steak 2.25%
factory 1.90%
puff 1.66%
straw 1.66%
slice 0.83%
每页显示:    共 7