1.   The virus proved highly selective in killing several lines of human cancer cells in laboratory cell cultures.

2.   The Institute is well equipped for plant, animal and microbial cell culture and has greenhouses, growth rooms and growth chambers for plant propagation.

3.   Xanthine oxidase has been found in the endothelium of capillaries by immunohistochemistry, and superoxide is generated in endothelial cell cultures.

4.   The cell cultures were inspected and photographed at daily intervals.

5.   These results showed that the cell culture maintained satisfactory growth until confluency had been reached.

6.   Small bowel neomucosa may be generated, in ectopic sites of adult recipients, from grafts of these cell cultures.

7.   Germ banks are scientific supply houses that provide cell cultures and microorganisms to researchers, either free, for sale or in exchange for other organisms.

8.   Hayes and his neurosurgery department team have accomplished the gene transfer in laboratory cell cultures and are now working with rats.

n. + culture >>共 473
youth 6.82%
consumer 3.60%
business 3.22%
drug 3.00%
cell 2.47%
celebrity 2.32%
world 2.25%
car 2.10%
work 1.72%
medium 1.50%
cell + n. >>共 348
line 9.66%
block 4.95%
growth 4.77%
door 4.71%
type 4.15%
proliferation 3.72%
death 3.53%
nucleus 2.23%
site 2.11%
culture 2.04%
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