1.   Big companies have more cash savings to draw on and easier access to credit.

2.   But the private market and the lure of cash savings are starting to achieve what no politician would dare propose.

3.   Nevertheless, for the first time, Ms. Rogers, who is single and childless, is accumulating cash savings.

4.   Only your cash savings, MFS Research, and portions of the holdings in Janus Worldwide and Janus Balanced represent diversifications away from that segment.

5.   Some companies, for example, will permit an employee to take only a portion of his cash balance retirement savings.

n. + saving >>共 135
cost 30.94%
life 20.08%
retirement 14.87%
tax 6.19%
energy 3.02%
college 1.89%
budget 1.81%
bank 1.58%
interest 1.36%
time 1.06%
cash 0.38%
cash + n. >>共 423
payment 6.12%
market 5.80%
reserve 3.74%
prize 2.90%
assistance 2.78%
crunch 2.60%
benefit 2.43%
infusion 2.33%
shortage 2.13%
bonus 1.88%
saving 0.12%
每页显示:    共 5