1.   Forbes would not tax income from stocks, bank savings or the sale of property, though Gramm and some others would.

2.   Bank deposits these days are denominated in dollars, although the government, to prevent bank runs, permitted very little withdrawal of bank savings in any currency.

3.   Gone are the days when Hisashi Ishigaki could spend the fruits of his bank savings on home repairs and new shirts.

4.   The balance of my savings is in bank savings and U.S. Savings bonds.

5.   The television series beamed in by satellite glorified beach living, while the Persian Gulf war made the tens of thousands of expatriate Egyptians fear losing bank savings abroad.

6.   These plain vanilla, short-term investments offer safety, liquidity and higher yields than most bank savings or passbook accounts.

7.   This is very different from bank savings, for all of the reasons you noted.

8.   Unlike bank savings, money market funds are not guaranteed by the federal government.

9.   All bank savings were lost when communist Yugoslavia collapsed.

n. + saving >>共 135
cost 30.94%
life 20.08%
retirement 14.87%
tax 6.19%
energy 3.02%
college 1.89%
budget 1.81%
bank 1.58%
interest 1.36%
time 1.06%
bank + n. >>共 431
loan 7.25%
stock 6.18%
official 6.14%
share 5.07%
deposit 4.10%
robbery 3.40%
employee 2.41%
branch 2.11%
executive 1.97%
merger 1.78%
saving 0.21%
每页显示:    共 21