1.   In its untreated state the carbon fibre material is rather like cloth.

2.   Even with the grooving, more than an inch of the carbon phenolic material was still present.

3.   Other scientists at the laboratory, working on related defense applications, had invented an exotic carbon material called aerogel.

4.   The data itself is organized in three layers of nickel phosphorus shielded by two layers of a diamond-like carbon material.

5.   If a reasonably low amount of carbon material is used with smaller prunings, it will probably not be necessary to add much nitrogen.

n. + material >>共 776
construction 9.63%
source 4.26%
plant 2.67%
reference 2.39%
research 2.31%
weapon 2.15%
weapons-grade 1.87%
bomb 1.75%
course 1.59%
campaign 1.55%
carbon 0.20%
carbon + n. >>共 148
emission 11.52%
atom 8.45%
tax 5.76%
steel 3.84%
content 3.26%
nanotube 3.26%
molecule 2.88%
credit 2.50%
sink 2.50%
filter 2.30%
material 0.96%
每页显示:    共 5