1.   And his candy jar always offered lemon drops.

2.   A crystal candy jar of pecans crusty with burnt sugar and orange zest.

3.   Circumvent the candy jar.

4.   Fagan says for some of her clients, keeping a candy jar on their desks makes them part of the office in a unique or special way.

5.   He also dips his hand into his ever-present candy jar.

6.   Keep a candy jar on your desk.

7.   On a low table, beside the candy jar, there is a drawing pad.

8.   Used wisely, the licorice found in your kitchen candy jar may be as useful as anything found in your family medicine cabinet.

n. + jar >>共 92
cookie 21.03%
tip 4.43%
baby 4.06%
jam 4.06%
food 4.06%
mayonnaise 3.69%
jelly 3.32%
blender 3.32%
candy 2.95%
clay 2.21%
candy + n. >>共 160
bar 29.42%
store 8.54%
cane 6.29%
wrapper 5.46%
maker 3.91%
company 3.08%
shop 2.61%
thermometer 2.25%
factory 2.25%
business 1.90%
jar 0.95%
每页显示:    共 8