1.   Bricker also anticipates that his tip jar will double over in profits from tournament traffic.

2.   But others argue that tip jars are being used to enhance substandard salaries.

3.   Even the surliest coffee-server has a tip jar now.

4.   In between songs, he urged patrons to contribute to the band tip jar, which lay nearly empty on the edge of the stage.

5.   Just have a tip jar sitting on the piano.

6.   On the counter at the Coffee Plantation in Scottsdale, tip jars are brimming.

7.   Sedaris, on the other hand, made out quite nicely with his tip jar on a recent cross-country book tour.

8.   The barista reached into the tip jar and grabbed enough change to make up the difference.

9.   The tip jars there are, like many, reflective of the workplace.

10.   These days you even find tip jars at espresso stands.

n. + jar >>共 92
cookie 21.03%
tip 4.43%
baby 4.06%
jam 4.06%
food 4.06%
mayonnaise 3.69%
jelly 3.32%
blender 3.32%
candy 2.95%
clay 2.21%
tip + n. >>共 70
sheet 14.19%
line 13.55%
jar 7.74%
pen 5.16%
money 4.52%
attempt 3.23%
list 1.94%
service 1.94%
amount 1.29%
came 1.29%
每页显示:    共 12