1.   Office systems provide electronic tools to support a range of administrative functions which most desk-based staff will undertake in addition to their substantive business functions.

2.   Because they had not packed extra clothes, they had to wear the stained clothes to a business function.

3.   Both Phycor and Medpartners have been growing by making deals with physician groups to take over their business functions and represent them in negotiations with the health insurers.

4.   A business function calls for one type of toast, whereas at a gathering of family or friends something else might be appropriate.

5.   Businesses have also kept costs down by hiring temporary employees who receive no benefits and farming out entire business functions to other companies.

6.   Businesses have also kept costs down by hiring temporary employees who receive no benefits and by farming out entire business functions to other companies.

7.   Detroit Newspapers, which manages the business functions of the two newspapers under a joint operating agreement, also wants to gain more control of distribution.

8.   Obviously, it serves a business function, too, letting clients see plants in action.

9.   SAP makes software that corporations and other organizations use to manage complex business functions such as finance, personnel and inventory.

10.   SAP, based in Walldorf, Germany, remains the leader in software corporations use to manage financial data, personnel information and other business functions.

n. + function >>共 488
brain 6.48%
government 3.64%
search 3.44%
kidney 3.10%
lung 2.77%
heart 2.56%
school 2.09%
support 1.89%
body 1.82%
management 1.75%
business 1.69%
business + n. >>共 627
leader 7.87%
group 3.08%
executive 2.64%
community 2.60%
owner 2.56%
people 2.52%
interest 2.19%
plan 1.93%
traveler 1.81%
partner 1.79%
function 0.07%
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