1.   And yet, despite its safety and mildness relative to other recreational drugs, caffeine still unquestionably alters brain function.

2.   Brain functions become more diffuse in girls, whereas they take up specific locations in the heads of boys.

3.   For brain functions other than language, most of what we know comes from studies of the brains of other animals.

4.   Second, their brain functions, as measured by electrical activity and high-tech scanning, are dissimilar.

5.   American laws vary by state, but all recognize that death can be determined by the complete and irreversible cessation of brain function.

6.   Among the body systems the computers would watch are heart function, brain function for epileptic patients, as well as sleep apnea and the brains of stroke victims.

7.   And those with the gene who survived were much less likely to regain the brain functions destroyed by the stroke.

8.   And while people have long used the herb feverfew to help with migraine headaches, producers can only say it helps with brain function.

9.   Approaches that use chemicals to reverse drug-induced changes in brain function may be a better approach for reducing drug craving, he said.

10.   As they sleep, respiration, heart rate, brain function and body temperature will be recorded so researchers can evaluate how well the natural medication works.

n. + function >>共 488
brain 6.48%
government 3.64%
search 3.44%
kidney 3.10%
lung 2.77%
heart 2.56%
school 2.09%
support 1.89%
body 1.82%
management 1.75%
brain + n. >>共 367
tumor 10.47%
cell 10.44%
surgery 6.66%
injury 5.88%
cancer 4.51%
tissue 4.43%
disease 3.60%
hemorrhage 3.27%
activity 2.66%
function 2.43%
每页显示:    共 95