1.   Although this site does not have a search function, it does offer links to other Paris Web sites.

2.   Among the advantages of using the site is its built-in search function.

3.   America Online folks can use the search function and type in SHOPPING for a long list of possible ways to spend cash.

4.   An index search function make it easy to find selections by track or title.

5.   Bloomberg subscribers can get a list of stocks that may be poised to fall by using the equity search function, available by typing ESRC Go.

6.   Bloomberg subscribers can get a list stocks that may be poised to rise by using the equity search function, available by typing ESRC Go.

7.   Bloomberg subscribers can get a list of stocks that may be poised to rise by using the equity search function, available by typing ESRC Go.

8.   Both of them have LDAP search functions built into their e-mail address books.

9.   A search function of the Clip Art tool in the Teaching and Learning with Microsoft CD-ROM returns several images of monkeys.

10.   After causing me such pain, Pottery Barn thinks it can tardily waltz online and offer me a search function and all will be forgotten?

n. + function >>共 488
brain 6.48%
government 3.64%
search 3.44%
kidney 3.10%
lung 2.77%
heart 2.56%
school 2.09%
support 1.89%
body 1.82%
management 1.75%
search + n. >>共 269
engine 25.29%
operation 8.19%
committee 7.77%
team 5.65%
effort 4.42%
firm 4.01%
dog 2.84%
service 2.54%
result 2.24%
area 2.18%
function 1.52%
每页显示:    共 51