1.   Brush rim with milk.

2.   Brush the rim of the dough with melted butter and sprinkle generously with sugar.

3.   Brush rim of foccacia with olive oil.

4.   Brush rim of each pasty with a little beaten egg and bring sides up to meet in the middle over the top of the filling.

v. + rim >>共 95
hit 17.91%
dip 4.48%
touch 4.48%
wipe 3.98%
coat 3.48%
attack 2.49%
find 2.49%
graze 2.49%
miss 2.49%
remove 2.49%
brush 1.99%
brush + n. >>共 302
tooth 20.12%
hair 6.51%
top 5.11%
side 3.50%
tear 2.00%
surface 2.00%
hand 1.90%
wall 1.80%
mixture 1.40%
edge 1.30%
rim 0.40%
每页显示:    共 4