1.   After browning the shanks and adding a liquid, cook them covered at a bare simmer.

2.   Brown each shank quickly over high heat.

3.   Heat the oil in a large skillet and brown the shanks on all sides.

4.   When the shanks are all browned, turn the heat to low.

5.   When shanks are browned, remove and deglaze the pot with a bit more turkey broth.

v. + shank >>共 38
transfer 8.96%
braise 7.46%
brown 7.46%
add 5.97%
remove 5.97%
return 5.97%
have 4.48%
hold 2.99%
cook 2.99%
replace 2.99%
brown + n. >>共 108
meat 11.03%
side 8.09%
chicken 5.15%
lamb 4.04%
sausage 4.04%
onion 3.31%
garlic 2.57%
bottom 2.57%
butter 1.84%
beef 1.84%
shank 1.84%
每页显示:    共 5