1.   This brief report is based on a study of the response of boards to the materials and training provided.

2.   Based on your analysis write a brief report for the Bank advising them on whether to continue to provide finance for Belper Ltd.

3.   Although Ousland cannot receive radio messages, he sends brief reports of his condition and position every day.

4.   A brief report was published in The British Medical Journal last year.

5.   A small story in the paper or no story at all, some police markings at the scene, a brief report, then POOF.

6.   But it may recall the sound at least for a little while, a brief report in The Lancet suggests.

7.   Here are brief reports on a few major road-work sites.

8.   Here are brief reports on some genealogy trips, and leads for finding still others.

9.   SCIENCE SCAN Brief reports from the worlds of science, technology and health.

10.   The brief report from the agency does not detail how the mold hurts infants.

a. + report >>共 514
immediate 6.13%
unconfirmed 4.79%
economic 4.72%
recent 3.86%
earlier 3.47%
initial 3.42%
new 3.37%
final 2.83%
annual 2.77%
published 2.37%
brief 0.40%
brief + n. >>共 1295
statement 5.71%
visit 4.47%
period 2.96%
appearance 2.62%
moment 2.12%
meeting 1.97%
stint 1.52%
ceremony 1.50%
interview 1.50%
time 1.49%
report 0.99%
每页显示:    共 97