1.   Acrobat is used by corporations to publish documents like annual reports and catalogs on the Web.

2.   An annual report will be presented to the Lord Chancellor and will be laid before Parliament.

3.   Annual report, full scorecards, and records section.

4.   Bennett has set out the supposed pros and cons in the annual report.

5.   By comparing a series of annual reports the chances of seeing the underlying trends are so much greater.

6.   Copies of the annual report, interim report and news releases are available to employees.

7.   Each group of intermediaries also has its own representative body which usually publishes an annual report of activities.

8.   For each organization identified provide a copy of the latest annual report.

9.   I assume the present senior chief inspector will produce his annual report next year.

a. + report >>共 514
immediate 6.13%
unconfirmed 4.79%
economic 4.72%
recent 3.86%
earlier 3.47%
initial 3.42%
new 3.37%
final 2.83%
annual 2.77%
published 2.37%
annual + n. >>共 753
meeting 11.28%
report 5.49%
event 2.50%
conference 2.43%
budget 2.10%
pilgrimage 2.07%
summit 1.94%
convention 1.66%
fee 1.18%
review 1.07%
每页显示:    共 682