brief statement 37.33   He made a brief statement, then he tried to leave.
  brief visit 29.23   It was a brief visit.
  brief period 19.35   Each time he was freed after brief periods of restraint.
  brief appearance 17.12   Its brief appearance seemed significant.
  brief moment 13.82   A brief moment of fame.
  brief meeting 12.90   It was a very brief meeting.
  brief stint 9.94   Larsen had a brief stint back in Seattle.
  brief ceremony 9.81   Then came a brief ceremony, in a swirling rain.
  brief interview 9.81   A brief interview.
  brief time 9.74   Was it too brief a time?
  brief stop 7.97   They made a brief stop in Mount Olive.
  brief hearing 7.18   Neither attended the brief hearing.
  brief speech 7.18   A few brief speeches were given.
  brief career 6.52   Prize fighters have brief careers.
  brief nudity 6.45   SEX Some brief nudity.
  brief report 6.45   The brief report gave no other details.
  brief stopover 6.25   Arafat was in Cairo for a brief stopover on his way to Gaza.
  brief exchange 6.06   And that very brief exchange is the heart of the case.
  brief illness 5.92   She died after a brief illness.
  brief respite 5.66   It was but a brief respite.
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