1.   Either way you label it, this is a book worth having, and the UNT Press has recently released a paperback edition.

2.   I must say, I was skeptical of the idea that the Debacle at Cana, N.Y., could sustain a book worth reading, much less buying.

3.   Most readers are grateful to learn, every year, the names of a few books worth reading.

4.   The account makes for a painful but compelling read and a book worth rereading from time to time.

5.   The descriptive stories alone make his book worth reading.

n. + worth >>共 246
dollar 8.74%
risk 2.76%
life 2.30%
market 2.30%
idea 2.07%
price 1.61%
thing 1.61%
day 1.38%
story 1.38%
gamble 1.15%
book 1.15%
book + n. >>共 615
deal 6.18%
tour 6.04%
publisher 4.40%
publishing 3.58%
store 3.50%
sale 3.06%
review 2.84%
contract 2.41%
signings 1.83%
form 1.75%
worth 0.14%
每页显示:    共 5