dollar worth 2.50   Several billion dollars worth were purchased overseas.
  risk worth 0.79   This was a risk worth taking.
  life worth 0.66   What is a life worth?
  market worth 0.66   It is a market worth fighting over.
  idea worth 0.59   Kerry had an idea worth considering.
  price worth 0.46   Is the price worth paying?
  thing worth 0.46   In New York, the only thing worth watching is Bill Parcells.
  day worth 0.39   Here, even a bad day is a day worth savoring.
  story worth 0.39   It is a story worth retelling.
  book worth 0.33   The descriptive stories alone make his book worth reading.
  chance worth 0.33   That is a chance worth taking.
  gamble worth 0.33   It was a gamble worth taking.
  message worth 0.33   But it was a message worth heeding.
  question worth 0.33   It was a question worth asking but, like most Sunday, it had no answer.
  show worth 0.33   Is a great TV show worth paying for?
  cause worth 0.26   We believed it was a cause worth defending.
  deal worth 0.26   How much was that deal worth?
  film worth 0.26   Is this film worth putting up with all the confusion?
  year worth 0.26   And made his last years worth living.
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