1.   Sometimes these parents chose books for their children based on levels written on the book covers.

2.   The other photos on this fantasy book cover are of the people who allowed me to draw portraits of their lives.

3.   We at least need a book cover.

4.   Also half-column color art of book cover.

5.   As part of their promotional feature, they put up six book covers.

6.   At other times, she said, they make school supplies -- book covers, looseleaf binders and the like.

7.   Binding it between book covers or shrink-wrapping it in boxes just camouflaged it while the world learned to recognize that something need not have heft to be real.

8.   A lacquered book cover is decorated with a pasted-on French engraving.

9.   A tattered piece of corrugated cardboard serves as a book cover for a young Iraqi student.

10.   After studying at an art school, he became a freelance illustrator, designing everything from book covers to posh parties.

n. + cover >>共 404
cloud 16.51%
snow 5.41%
album 5.26%
manhole 5.19%
book 3.87%
forest 1.97%
seat 1.97%
bed 1.53%
tonneau 1.31%
head 1.31%
book + n. >>共 615
deal 6.18%
tour 6.04%
publisher 4.40%
publishing 3.58%
store 3.50%
sale 3.06%
review 2.84%
contract 2.41%
signings 1.83%
form 1.75%
cover 1.45%
每页显示:    共 53