1.   I have tried all the leading suppliers of seat covers and they are unable to help me.

2.   The fire ignited seat covers, burned through the cabin floor and spread throughout the entire cabin.

3.   A paper seat cover that crinkles with every move.

4.   She had sat on the seat cover, resting her head on the porcelain of the washbasin, licking dry lips and bringing her breathing down.

5.   We had a large car -- a Humber, with leopardskin seat covers.

6.   Look at the tiger ski tiger skin seat covers.

7.   But, would an antibacterial hospital gown or an antibacterial seat cover keep you healthier?

8.   Gerden, however, did confirm that a small portion of a cockpit seat cover showed some evidence of burning.

9.   GM would have to shut its Cadillac assembly plant in Hamtramck, Michigan, soon after the Windsor workers stopped making seat covers and door trim for the cars.

10.   If the facility offers toilet seat covers, use them.

n. + cover >>共 404
cloud 16.51%
snow 5.41%
album 5.26%
manhole 5.19%
book 3.87%
forest 1.97%
seat 1.97%
bed 1.53%
tonneau 1.31%
head 1.31%
seat + n. >>共 252
cushion 9.22%
license 7.68%
assignment 4.89%
cover 3.77%
price 2.65%
passenger 2.65%
pocket 1.96%
bottom 1.82%
location 1.82%
number 1.82%
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