1.   Arrange roast beef slices on bottom halves, folding to fit.

2.   Arrange corned beef slices on top of cabbage and potatoes.

3.   Layer thin beef slices in a pan, pour the liquid over all, covering the meat.

4.   Lean pork chops, chicken and turkey breast, and lean roast beef slices are all good choices.

5.   Spread the paste over the beef slices to coat both sides.

6.   Spread this mixture over each beef slice, which should then be rolled up and tied with twine.

7.   The foil-packet method works especially well for boneless chicken breasts, fish fillets, beef slices and pork chops.

8.   Transfer the beef slices to the saucepan and heat briefly in the sauce.

n. + slice >>共 149
bread 9.47%
lemon 7.32%
tomato 5.60%
onion 5.60%
apple 5.45%
potato 4.45%
cucumber 4.30%
baguette 3.30%
pineapple 3.01%
banana 2.87%
beef 1.15%
beef + n. >>共 272
future 8.81%
product 5.41%
industry 5.05%
import 4.79%
export 4.79%
price 4.74%
ban 3.71%
sale 3.30%
market 3.19%
broth 2.32%
slice 0.41%
每页显示:    共 8