1.   Although investors are encouraged to own some foreign shares to balance domestic portfolios, they should expect interim volatility and plan to hold shares for the long term.

2.   Among other principles, that includes balancing their portfolios, carefully choosing mutual funds and understanding risk vs. returns.

3.   Aside from increasing the core account, your retirement portfolio is nicely balanced.

4.   But you could balance the portfolio better.

5.   Diversification is a way to balance a portfolio so that when there is bad news in one sector there may be good news elsewhere.

6.   Does this seem reasonable, and is the portfolio well balanced?

7.   He dutifully balanced his portfolio with stocks, bonds, mutual funds, savings bonds and real estate partnerships.

8.   Is this a good mix, or should I think about balancing my portfolio?

9.   Investors who may have given up on banking shares are buying them to keep their portfolios balanced.

10.   Is our portfolio balanced?

v. + portfolio >>共 323
diversify 7.57%
hold 5.02%
manage 4.51%
adjust 4.17%
build 2.64%
have 2.55%
take 1.87%
rebalance 1.62%
create 1.62%
retain 1.53%
balance 1.28%
balance + n. >>共 672
budget 43.57%
book 3.70%
need 2.35%
checkbook 2.05%
demand 1.52%
interest 1.36%
account 1.22%
concern 0.89%
risk 0.63%
right 0.60%
portfolio 0.50%
每页显示:    共 15