1.   Dinh said the Justice Department is balancing the rights in the Constitution with the need to clamp down on terrorist activity to prevent future attacks.

2.   In a perfect world, we would find a way to balance conflicting rights.

3.   It is hard to balance the rights of the majority while helping minorities.

4.   It is our best hope to renew the dream of a nation where work is respected and rewarded and where rights are balanced by responsibility.

5.   Or should support cases hinge simply on the fact of fatherhood, balancing the rights of the man with those of the child?

6.   Steven Levy of Newsweek writes that the government needs to balance the right to send coded information on the Internet with a right to guard against Internet crooks.

7.   The courts have found such arrangements constitutional because they balance free speech rights with security needs.

8.   The document balances the rights of the child with parental rights and responsibility to guide and direct the child.

9.   The problem is balancing their right to free inquiry with your duty to shield them from truly disturbing images.

10.   Traditionally liberal Vancouver is trying to balance the rights of these protesters with the need to provide security for the APEC leaders.

v. + right >>共 447
have 32.77%
reserve 3.29%
protect 2.51%
violate 2.22%
support 2.05%
win 1.88%
retain 1.82%
exercise 1.68%
waive 1.51%
defend 1.38%
balance 0.10%
balance + n. >>共 672
budget 43.57%
book 3.70%
need 2.35%
checkbook 2.05%
demand 1.52%
interest 1.36%
account 1.22%
concern 0.89%
risk 0.63%
right 0.60%
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