1.   Arrange kebabs on a platter or baking sheet, cover loosely with plastic wrap and set aside, in refrigerator, until ready to grill.

2.   On a nonstick baking sheet, or baking sheet lined with parchment paper, arrange slices close to one another without overlapping.

3.   Reserve the remaining dough for a third baking sheet or a cooled baking sheet from the first batch.

4.   Transfer the dough to a parchment-lined pizza pan or baking sheet.

v. + sheet >>共 300
bake 5.98%
place 5.01%
use 4.03%
change 2.56%
have 2.20%
remove 2.08%
grease 1.95%
pull 1.83%
sign 1.71%
buy 1.59%
baking 0.49%
baking + n. >>共 11
powder 30.00%
sheet 20.00%
pan 10.00%
characteristic 5.00%
chocolate 5.00%
dish 5.00%
mat 5.00%
operation 5.00%
quality 5.00%
time 5.00%
每页显示:    共 4