1.   But both major parties will allocate nominating delegates based solely on the vote totals from their party members.

2.   But delegates are allocated proportionally.

3.   If McCain wins the beauty contest, as result which his strategists hope will put pressure on the state to allocate delegates based on the popular vote.

4.   Other delegates are allocated by the vote in each congressional district.

5.   The two main parties, however, will allocate their delegates on the basis of only the votes of their registered members.

6.   Fowler said state parties should disregard any votes cast for him in primaries or caucuses and should not allocate any delegates to him.

v. + delegate >>共 254
send 7.62%
address 6.71%
select 4.44%
choose 3.53%
tell 3.19%
elect 2.84%
say 2.84%
include 2.50%
win 2.50%
have 2.39%
allocate 0.68%
allocate + n. >>共 220
money 18.39%
fund 12.80%
resource 7.96%
seat 4.74%
share 2.65%
land 2.18%
budget 1.80%
time 1.61%
number 1.52%
responsibility 1.52%
delegate 0.57%
每页显示:    共 6