1.   All relevant factors are taken into account by the funding councils when they Decide how to allocate resources.

2.   Discuss with Junior doctors how to allocate extra resources to reduce hours.

3.   In short, here is a service which yields substantial benefits but for which the Market would allocate no resources.

4.   Instead of allocating resources in the most efficient way there is a list of priorities.

5.   It is a process whereby scarce resources are allocated among competing powers and claimants.

6.   On this basis, precious resources have been allocated to mass literacy campaigns all over the Third World.

7.   Perfectly competitive free Market equilibrium will then allocate resources efficiently.

8.   The process for allocating resources to military intelligence is severely flawed.

9.   The results will depend on how each department allocates its resources.

10.   ...a real attempt to allocate scarce resources more equitably.

v. + resource >>共 419
have 14.23%
use 6.24%
lack 4.92%
devote 4.17%
pool 4.11%
allocate 2.72%
provide 2.56%
share 1.62%
divert 1.62%
put 1.59%
allocate + n. >>共 220
money 18.39%
fund 12.80%
resource 7.96%
seat 4.74%
share 2.65%
land 2.18%
budget 1.80%
time 1.61%
number 1.52%
responsibility 1.52%
每页显示:    共 84