1.   If Bush wins, say, the delegates in California, but McCain triumphs in New York, they could each claim an important victory.

2.   People in developing countries, who are more dependent on local surface water, are especially vulnerable, delegates said.

3.   Allowing South Africa to trade in hides could be a signal to poachers that the ivory ban is weakening, some delegates said.

4.   Arab summit stops short of breaking ties with Israel, say Libyan delegates who storm out in protest.

5.   Deputy Home Minister Megat Junid Megat Ayub had asked organizers to cancel the conference, said delegate Marc Receretnam, a doctoral student at Sydney University.

6.   Five issues remained to be resolved, said the delegates, speaking on condition of anonymity.

7.   In Tibet, couples are encouraged to have two children and family planning regulations fully respect the Tibetan cultural tradition and religion, delegates said.

8.   Japan and other nations have stalled progress on trade liberalization among Pacific Rim countries by refusing to open forests and fisheries to foreign competition, American delegates said Tuesday.

9.   Negotiators reached an agreement early Saturday on rules governing a treaty on climate change, the first international accord to curb global warming, delegates said.

10.   Oil-producing countries tried in preliminary talks Monday to scuttle attempts to agree on majority-rule voting procedures for the conference, delegates said.

v. + delegate >>共 254
send 7.62%
address 6.71%
select 4.44%
choose 3.53%
tell 3.19%
elect 2.84%
say 2.84%
include 2.50%
win 2.50%
have 2.39%
say + n. >>共 862
official 10.72%
police 6.88%
spokesman 3.72%
no 3.22%
analyst 2.66%
report 2.47%
source 2.45%
trader 1.74%
goodbye 1.60%
thing 1.27%
delegate 0.04%
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