1.   But that life apparently was so lacking in human qualities that if it were still alive today probably no one could even get it to watch commercials on TV.

2.   Gimp has been around as long as most people alive today.

3.   Political Washington is more alive today than it has been in a generation, full of ideas, passion and drama.

4.   The text is a bit prosaic, but readers will learn what it takes to keep Texas ranching alive today.

5.   The truth is, people are alive today who would not be alive if we had the same hygiene levels at the turn of the century.

6.   Two more people were found alive today.

a. + today >>共 172
early 30.36%
later 15.60%
late 9.10%
earlier 8.64%
higher 4.09%
same 2.41%
available 1.86%
little 1.11%
different 0.93%
usual 0.84%
alive 0.56%
alive + n. >>共 227
hope 6.32%
people 6.09%
man 4.22%
concern 3.28%
team 2.34%
chance 1.87%
expectation 1.64%
speculation 1.41%
today 1.41%
long 1.41%
每页显示:    共 6