alive hope 1.78   That kept alive hopes for further cuts to come.
  alive people 1.71   Two of the funniest people alive.
  alive man 1.18   Sexiest man alive?
  alive concern 0.92   That keeps alive concern that low unemployment will drive wages, and prices, higher, analysts said.
  alive team 0.66   Every team still alive yearns for the title.
  alive chance 0.53   The European Union wants to keep alive chances for a global agreement on financial services.
  alive expectation 0.46   The article kept alive expectations that a rate cut could occur in the next few weeks.
  alive long 0.39   Woods stayed alive long enough to let Furyk make a mistake.
  alive person 0.39   Perhaps he is the only person alive who could tell her such tales.
  alive speculation 0.39   That would keep alive speculation that the Federal Reserve will raise bank lending rates before long to stifle inflation.
  alive today 0.39   Two more people were found alive today.
  alive child 0.33   The only children still alive are Ms. Bhutto and her youngest sister, Sanam.
  alive club 0.26   Aston Villa and Leeds are the only Premier League clubs still alive in both the FA and League cups.
  alive one 0.26   Now Blanche is the only one alive of her six brothers and sisters.
  alive woman 0.26   Justin Vannelli found a woman alive and a friend for life.
  alive year 0.26   Over the years their relationship has developed so that Art now called her Mrs B.
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