early today 21.53   I finished work early today.
  later today 11.06   This layout is available later today.
  late today 6.45   I woke up late today.
  earlier today 6.12   She said to me earlier today she was coming.
  higher today 2.90   Stock prices opened higher today.
  same today 1.71   It was the same today.
  available today 1.32   This layout is available later today.
  little today 0.79   But a little less today.
  different today 0.66   It is no different today.
  usual today 0.59   The stock and bond markets were more confusing than usual today.
  further today 0.46   That concern kept the mark from weakening further today.
  high today 0.46   He was on a high today.
  alive today 0.39   Two more people were found alive today.
  easier today 0.39   The ability to find evidence of fraud is much easier today than it used to be.
  humid today 0.39   It is so humid today everyone is sweating profusely.
  unclear today 0.39   It was unclear today when Armey would make that decision.
  important today 0.33   Our response to either child seems more important today than ever before.
  likely today 0.33   Record maximum temperatures are likely today and sunday.
  new today 0.33   The only thing new today is the money is better.
  possible today 0.33   Final passage of the legislation remained possible later today.
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