1.   Hu, leading a delegation of government officials and private businessmen, will follow up on the aid promises, the Taiwanese Foreign Ministry said Monday.

2.   Previous projects have been small and ineffective, sowing distrust among peasants who eradicated their coca only to find that government aid promises were hollow.

3.   The summit reaffirmed pledges to help Ukraine close the plant, but stopped short of making any further aid promises.

4.   Arafat thanked donors who have kept aid promises for the Gaza Strip and West Bank as well as the World Bank for channelling the money to the authority.

5.   The optimism came after repeated complaints from the cash-strapped authority that the donors have failed to keep their aid promises.

n. + promise >>共 224
campaign 39.49%
election 8.63%
government 8.51%
show 2.07%
hold 0.97%
season 0.85%
reform 0.85%
contract 0.73%
rebel 0.73%
official 0.73%
aid 0.61%
aid + n. >>共 267
worker 26.77%
agency 12.30%
group 7.32%
package 5.19%
official 4.96%
organization 4.26%
convoy 3.97%
program 3.43%
flight 1.60%
effort 1.38%
promise 0.04%
每页显示:    共 5