campaign promise 21.40   It was not even a campaign promise.
  election promise 4.67   The public is cynical about election promises.
  government promise 4.61   Customs officers win government promise to consider more arms,
  show promise 1.12   Animal studies show promise, but clinical trials are needed.
  hold promise 0.53   No one, however, was talking about abandoning a market that all said holds great promise.
  reform promise 0.46   Instead of making new reform promises, Yeltsin is making new campaign promises.
  season promise 0.46   So he knows how to temper the excitment of early season promise.
  contract promise 0.39   The contract promises are likely to be scaled back by senators worried about the budget deficit.
  election-year promise 0.39   Yeltsin has already begun making expensive election-year promises.
  official promise 0.39   The fans are coming, transit officials promise.
  rebel promise 0.39   Despite rebel promises, obstacles remain to full access to the refugees for aid workers.
  time promise 0.39   Does Clinton believe Saddam will keep the promise this time?
  aid promise 0.33   The summit reaffirmed pledges to help Ukraine close the plant, but stopped short of making any further aid promises.
  tax promise 0.33   But Pataki was not content with making wild tax promises.
  veto promise 0.33   Nor have they failed to deter President Clinton from his veto promise.
  blanket promise 0.26   Still, he stopped short of a blanket promise.
  cease-fire promise 0.26   The American aim is to bind Adams to his cease-fire promise, which he still refuses explicitly to call permanent.
  summer promise 0.26   It is that foolish summer promise to develop an iron fist out of the Play-Doh hand that God gave him.
  title promise 0.26   Forthcoming titles offer continued promise.
  weekend promise 0.26   Croatian government troops remained at the edge of three Serb-held areas, despite a weekend promise to pull back.
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